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Crockta the Orc Trainer

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Crockta the Orc Trainer Empty Crockta the Orc Trainer

Post by Goatmachine5000 Thu Oct 03, 2019 9:41 am

Username: Goatmachine5000

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54765555

Steam Profile:

Time on server: 4 days-ish since I started

Is this a character application, or transfer: Application

If transfer, what previous roleplay has occured(Gist of it):

What items are you requesting?
Steel Greataxe
Heavy fullplate iron armour

Roleplay experiences? I have had quite a few years experience of roleplay ranging from early days of the Sevilidan Fantasy rp server to military rp servers such as halo and sst ones and now adding DnD to the mix as well

Why should you have all this? I believe I should have this as my character intends to be a veteran warrior of great skill who is seeking to train other warriors in an attempt to create warriors of legend. Thus I believe it only make sense to have equipment to match this.

[Optional if RP Example used]Backstory: Crockta had been born within a nomadic village who survived by trading certain things they made with locals to gain the food they required to feed themselves. During their travels as Crockta grew up, he heard a many great tales of warriors said to be able to cut mountains in half, to crush armies all on their own, to have the strength to even defy the gods and rise above them! At the young age he was, Crockta was inspired by these stories wishing to become such a warrior himself one day and to rise to the top with nothing but his own strength. With such thoughts, he began training at a young age, quickly strengthening his body and challenging other warriors of the tribe to increase his standing and prowess. As he rose through his tribe, he became prideful, believing that he was unbeatable and was a true king of the world already. Once he became the best fighter within his tribe he suddenly found himself feeling trapped as there was no one to fight, no one to use to better himself, to compare against. This then led to his idea of challenging warriors among the locals to improve upon himself further. Through his arrogance and nearsightedness, he soon believed himself to be the strongest within the stomping grounds his tribe travelled. He started to demand supplies from the locals for free as a "protection" fee much against the wishes of the locals and even his own people. Crockta did not take long to start acting like a common thug, swiftly dealing out beatings to those who disagreed with him with none able to stop him as he was simply too strong.

Some months passed of Crockta enjoying the treatment of a king before one of the villages he harassed had hatched a plan to break free of his grip. They sent their fastest with a message for help, to find a strong warrior to beat this thug and free them. After some time a warrior did come to free them, he faced off against Crockta, the latter filled with utter confidence in winning, and challenged him to a duel. Crockta hurriedly accepted with a grin, finally happy to have someone new to face who might put up some sort of struggle. Much to the surprise of the orc how ever, it did not go how he expected at all, the man dodged and weaved out of every blow of the orc, landing small nicks and cuts to wear the orc down. In frustration, Crockta began to rage, swinging about wildly and charging in any direction he saw the man which led to bystanders suddenly caught up in the fray. It was at this point the man decided to end the fight, he expertly disarmed the orc before smashing the hilt of his blade against the back of the orc's head to knock him to the ground. As Crockta lay there he looked up at the man before him, nothing but surprise in his eyes at the fact he had been defeated. The man looked at Crockta for a moment before turning to leave, his gaze looking as if he saw nothing but an insect before him. Enraged once again, Crockta bellowed at him how he was so strong, about why he wasn't killing him. The response he had returned to him shocked him even more than his loss "Because you are not worth my strength." This one sentence drilled into the orc how small he had been, about how he was only a big fish in a small pond and there was an ocean surrounding him that he hadn't even seen.

After the realisation of his reality, Crockta vowed to strengthen himself, but not to be the strongest ever, but to be strong enough to create stories he had heard when he was young. He left his village in shame due to the things he had forced them to do, exiling himself from them knowing he would never be allowed to return. During his journeys, Crockta would begin challenging warriors anew, but this time he would always remind himself of the ocean surrounding him, whether he lost or won his bouts with his foes. As he continued to fight and strengthen himself, he found others starting to seek him out to challenge him who also wished to prove themselves. Upon seeing such individuals, the orc was suddenly reminded of his younger self who had long been left behind by a never ending march of strength by the wiser Crockta. As he fought the fledglings who came to him he naturally founding himself watching how they would fight them, seeing the errors in how they fought and seeing how they could thusly improve upon themselves. He quickly found himself instructing those he would defeat on how to become stronger, on how to improve themselves and how to never lose the path of the warrior. As he continued this, he found himself a small following of warriors who had started leaping bounds ahead of their comrades due to his teachings which in turn filled the orc with a new type of pride he had never felt before. Along with this pride came a new idea to the orc on how to recreate those stories he had been told as a child, this pride told the orc that he didn't have to be the one in the story but could instead make the stories through the raising of strong and duty bound warriors himself. This thus began the legend of the travelling orc who no longer just seeked to improve himself, but to pass his teachings to the young of the warrior path, hoping to bring the fairy tales he was told to reality one day.

What are your characters' ambitions? His ambition is to create a warrior who matches his image of a true warrior. Of a man who fights for his duty and justice, who is strong enough to bring even the gods to their knees if they were to wrong the innocent.

What are your characters' perks/skills? He would be an expert in handling his greataxe. He would also have an amazing strength due to his ceaseless training within his heavy armour and constant combat encounters.

What are your characters' faults/flaws? Crockta is not the smartest of people and finds himself to be very trusting of others making him fairly easy to trick into doing certain things as long as they didn't completely counteract his own beliefs of justice. This would also lead to him being very stubborn and would hold grudges for years to even decades if someone is to wrong him as well as causing him to reject others views quite violently if they are pushed upon him.

Character Traits: Stubborn - Will often reject opinions and views of others to uphold his own and once he decides on something, it is almost impossible to change his mind.
Trusting - He is quick to trust those around him regardless of their origin unless he feels they may harm himself or those he considers his wards.
Protective - Seeks to keep his students and those he thinks to be weak safe until they may fend for themselves one day inside this dangerous world.

Character Age: 41

Character Race: Orc



Posts : 3
Join date : 2019-09-28

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Crockta the Orc Trainer Empty Re: Crockta the Orc Trainer

Post by Captain Snyder Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:16 pm

Honestly, you could've probably asked a director about the items you were requesting and you wouldn't have needed to go through the application process.

Either way, I appreciate your dedication.

Captain Snyder
Captain Snyder

Posts : 130
Join date : 2015-03-09

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