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Kennorath - Sneaky Thief/Assassin

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Kennorath - Sneaky Thief/Assassin Empty Kennorath - Sneaky Thief/Assassin

Post by Kennorath Thu Oct 24, 2019 9:28 pm

Username: Klyde

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:121905064

Steam Profile:

Time on server: About 2 hours

Is this a character application, or transfer: Application.

If transfer, what previous roleplay has occured(Gist of it): /Nan/

What items are you requesting? One silver dagger, one steel dagger. I'd also like to request light chain mail armor. Also, a book of Illusion Magic. Other than that, I'd like to request 35 gold to start with.

Roleplay experiences? Several other medieval RP's, Fallout Roleplays, HL2RP, Mafia RP, and countless others. Some aren't from GMod but the most prominent of these is DND.

Why should you have all this? Because, I think that in this environment, my character will need these items for an adequate start to his (hopefully) long adventure. Yes, I understand this might be a lot, but as someone who is both a heavily experienced thief and sometimes an Assassin for the right price, he would invest in himself greatly. I also don't think he'd wander around broke as hell, but if I must lower the amount he has then let's say a few silver instead.

[Optional if RP Example used]Backstory: Kenneth, a lifelong commoner, was born in a shanty village in the northern areas of this fine land. As a boy, his family was obviously not well off. Mostly because his drunkard father passed when he was only two. When he grew tall enough to see his mother beneath him, he decided to take the reigns of 'man of the house', and provide food for his family. He knew no crafts, and he didn't think anybody would teach a boy for free, so he took to taking what he needed (and wanted). Over time his family became worried that his new 'job' as a lumberer was making him too much money and questioned him about it. He denied everything for years until he let slip to his older sister. This got him sent out of the house. Now, he was only about fifteen by this point, and some would think being out of his home would be a scare for such a young lad- not Kenneth. He quickly found a place in a small group of boys- some older, some younger all were thieves like him. They taught him better than he'd already known, including how to train his eyes and his hands to move as he *needed* them to. These exercises trained his dexterity, and kept him light on his feet. He often burgled houses, usually escaping from the top floor window onto some nearby roof or landing to get out of the home and onto the next rich asshole, which kept his speed up as he was usually running for his life. He soon rose up the ranks as 'bestest thief' (a childish award made by children), which was given to people who brought the most back to the boys' clubhouse to sell. He'd stolen some poor aristocrat's shiny gold and diamond ring off his finger when the man helped Kennorath off the sidewalk from a 'fall'. Kennorath, in his younger years, also fancied magic. Specifically Illusion magic. One day he decided he wanted to learn it- so he went into a magic shop. The shop's owner could tell the boy was most likely going to steal the book, but he didn't expect to not catch him. Kennorath successfully pulled an Indiana Jones and swapped the books out. After this, he spent long hours pouring over the book, some of his more educated friends teaching him words. He learned, soon becoming half-decent at casting. Years pass. Kennorath grows tired of stealing and providing more for his friends. He meets a man in a bar one night, by now Kenneth is not a boy, but a man. He's the big one-eight. The man asks him if he'll take out this big political rival. He tells Kenneth there's gold in it for him- say maybe two gold? Kenneth was happy to find the man later that night as he was walking home, and stab him in the back five times. He didn't mind stealing the man's coin purse either- it was heavy. That told him more than he needed to know already. The man was rich, and he didn't mind flaunting it. Now, Kenneth, the oh-so-innocent murderer has traveled here (years later of course, he's now 20) and is starting to learn the place and get his bearings. He's ready to start his own little group up again, maybe not as murderers but- think like Robin hood except he doesn't mind killing whoever threatens him and his group.

What are your characters' ambitions? To become rich, of course, and help those he sees as needy.

What are your characters' perks/skills? I'd also like to request certain skill/attribute boosts. . Second, I'd like maybe another expert in dodge, because as stated previously he is fast. Now, I hate to be so repetitious, but he's basically trained his whole life to become the best thief he can be. I would like to request expert to dexterity. I'd like to request that I also be given expert to sleight of hand because the whole character is basically about being stealthy, and stealing. Which leads me to my next request of a higher proficiency Stealth. He's used blades his whole life- specifically daggers. I'd like to ask to be Adept or even Expert in blades, if possible. If I haven't already asked for too much, novice intelligence would also be much appreciated, as he's taken much time learning his magic (Illusion) in the past. So, that's Melee Accuracy (Adept), Dodge (Expert), Dexterity (Expert), Sleight of Hand (Expert), Stealth (Adept), and Intelligence (Novice), Blades (Adept or Expert).

What are your characters' faults/flaws? He always has stealing on his mind- if he sees something worth a damn he'll always be considering some way to steal it.

Character Traits: Helps needy individuals that he sees have potential. Cunning. Smart. Crafty.

Character Age: 20

Character Race: Half-elf

Roleplaying Examples(Optional if Backstory used.):
**Kennorath paused, staring toward the city from a distance. He was unsure if this place could suit his desires- so claustrophobic and tight. It'd be hard to hide from the guard after stealing something from some filthy rich asshole. He grunted, looking around for a moment, then starts walking forward. He didn't have many other places to go, so he decided to check the place out. Maybe it'd be easier than he thought. Hopefully.

Notes: I appreciate you reading my Application. I understand if I asked for a lot, but I decided it's better to ask for too much and get some rather than ask for too little and get way less than I could have. If there are any issues or discussions needed for what I have asked for or anything that seems misleading or wrong in my backstory please let me know as I'd be happy to change or lower what I've asked of you. Once again, thank you and have a nice night/day. (discord GOP_WillSteel#7619) I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible!

Last edited by Kennorath on Sun Oct 27, 2019 12:06 am; edited 10 times in total (Reason for editing : Because I messed up a small part and needed to clarify it more.)


Posts : 1
Join date : 2019-10-24

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Kennorath - Sneaky Thief/Assassin Empty Re: Kennorath - Sneaky Thief/Assassin

Post by Captain Snyder Tue Oct 29, 2019 2:09 pm


Though since you didn't mention what skill level for the book, I'm assuming the adept illusion book.
Captain Snyder
Captain Snyder

Posts : 130
Join date : 2015-03-09

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