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Slavren Fendrel app

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Slavren Fendrel app Empty Slavren Fendrel app

Post by rikk Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:53 pm

Username: rikk

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:57387154

Steam Profile:

Time on server: Just joined today.

Is this a character application, or transfer: Application.

If transfer, what previous roleplay has occured(Gist of it): N/A.

What items are you requesting? Spell tome for psychic magic, a steel long-sword. Lamellar iron-plated armor.

Roleplay experiences? Lots of servers, 6 years or so of roleplay.

Why should you have all this? I plan to share my knowledge ICly with other characters on the server, aswell as make interesting situations involving it.

Backstory: Slavren and his non-identical twin brother, Vencel, were born 25 years ago to a standard peasant cottage to the East. Weeks after they were born, it was clear to both of their parents that they were effected magically. Books would fall off of bookcases, fires would be randomly put out- randomly noises would start being heard in peoples heads neighboring the Fendrel home. Their father, who was a staunch man of religion, attempted to get all the help that they could muster in order to 'cure' the children. Priests would make common appearances at their house, and to no avail could they cure them of their 'condition'. Arguments were common amongst their parents, as their father pleaded to have the children sent to a institution so that they were not 'influenced' by their deviltry. Their mother, however, wanted to keep the children with them.

When Slavren and Vencel turned 6, they looked out of their window to see a massive mob of people moving down the road. Their mother promptly left the house to confront them. In the crowd, Slavren spotted their father. The mother begged them to leave the children alone, but sadly they refused to listen. In the midst of argument, their father stabbed a pitchfork straight into their mother. Slavren and Vencel, both heartbroken, were forced to leave their home. They jumped out of the back window, and quickly escaped in the woods. What followed were several days of hiding in the woods surrounding the town. The villagers and the local church went on a massive witchhunt- hundreds of men employed to find the brothers and kill them. They spotted a horse-carriage moving down the road, and figuring that it was another member of the search party, they attempted to hide. The man on the carriage, however, saw them. He called out to them, and went over to the boys, lantern in hand. He said that they have caused a mighty ruckus in the local town, and offered to help them come to terms with their 'gift'. The brothers did not really have a choice, so they hopped into the back of the carriage and started their trip.

The two brothers were brought to the mans castle. It was luxurious, for the beginning of their stay. They were fed better than they had ever been fed before, and the wizard began to educate them on reading and writing. Life was good for the brother, for the first few years. When they began to reach adolescence, the man began to raise his training to a more and more advanced level. Soon enough, the two brothers would be seen brawling each other. Sometimes in hand-to-hand, sometimes using their psychic abilities. The punishments for not getting things right began to also become more cruel. More than once did the wizard strike or wound them, and while their skill did increase- they weren't so sure about where their life was going.

The two brothers were getting more and more stronger in their abilities. Able to live massive objects like it was nothing, able to thwart off a servants memory without any issue. They were really becoming exactly what the wizard wanted. But, he did not make it easier on them. Every test that produced more pain, more sweat, more tears, the wizard believed would make them a better mage. When they reached adulthood, they were made proper mages in their field. And, for once in their life, the tests were becoming less strenuous. The brothers were happy to see the mage act as himself once again, back to how he acted when they were children. Until one fateful afternoon, where they were told to come to the mages tower.

The brothers walked up the towers stairs, and laying infront of the wizard were two bound and gagged commoners. The wizard told them, in order to finish their training and work under him, the brothers would have to throw the man off. He claims that while the task would be easy for them, the mental barrier between them becoming masters to mages would be shifted if they were willing to kill the non-blessed. The brothers quickly communicated to one another, and soon enough both re-directed their force to their master himself. They, of course, struggled. He was incredibly powerful, and likely half-expected something like this. The brothers and the mage, directed as much power as they could against each other- and despite their being two of them, it still made the task incredibly difficult against someone so powerful. The mage nearly lost his mind doing this, and soon enough, he toppled over the side of the tower. The brothers fell to the ground, weakened both mentally and physically from the battle. Slavren quickly released the captured men, who were incredibly thankful, and sent them on their way. The brothers collected what valuables they could bring with them from the wizards home, and would begin their travel along the countryside.

They began adventuring the lands for four years, going from tavern to tavern- doing what work they could, using their psychic abilities to great effect. They used what coin the wizard had to buy basic gear, allowing themselves to become prominent spell-swords. Until they arrived on the setting of the server.

Note: This app will be in conjunction to gruvee's to a degree, since both of our characters are brothers and inherited the same sort of abilities. If there are some inconsistencies its likely just because we worded things differently.

What are your characters' ambitions? Amassing a fortune to live off of until the end of his days. Exploration.

What are your characters' perks/skills?

  • A master in psychic ability, can conjure up most if not all spells in his psychic tome.
  • Expert swordsman, main thing that would put him apart from his brother. He knows his sword well, and is able to defend himself quite decently against the average swordsmen.
  • Literate. He is able to read and right from his years of teaching.
  • A naturally robust build, moreso than his brother.

What are your characters' faults/flaws?

  • Impatient. Prefers getting things done quick, and does not care if it makes things harder for him in the longrun.
  • Lesser intelligence than his brother.
  • Self righteous attitude.

Character Traits:

  • As said before, he is impatient, and this reflects in a social environment aswell.
  • Quite a drunkard.

Character Age: 25.

Character Race: Human.

(Optional)Character Description: A ginger man standing at around 6'0". He wears a steel sword in its holster around his back, and his helmet clipped to his belt. Lamellar steel-plated armor.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2019-10-01

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Slavren Fendrel app Empty Re: Slavren Fendrel app

Post by Captain Snyder Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:56 pm


Though you're going to have to be an expert in Psychic magic, instead of Master.
Captain Snyder
Captain Snyder

Posts : 130
Join date : 2015-03-09

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