Viven Serious Roleplay
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Vencel Fendrel

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Vencel Fendrel Empty Vencel Fendrel

Post by Gruvee Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:53 pm

Username: Gruvee

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:17536689

Steam Profile:

Time on server: Haven't played yet.

Is this a character application, or transfer: Character application.

If transfer, what previous roleplay has occured(Gist of it): N/A

What items are you requesting? Wooden longbow, a quiver of 30 non-remarkable steel-tipped arrows. Boiled-leather cuirass, bracers, and shin-guards. A small iron dagger.

Roleplay experiences? About 7 years and many, many servers.

Why should you have all this? Because I think it would provide unique roleplaying experiences.

[Optional if RP Example used]Backstory: Vencel was born into a very modest Peasant family along with his non-identical twin brother, Slavren. The boys were expected to follow in their father's footsteps and learn the very highly-acclaimed and honorable duty of farming, but things took a different turn. Strange happenings steadily grew in occurrence as the boys grew up, such as a cow's udder milking itself or small pebbles gravitating towards Vencel. These signs all pointed towards a rather dark and dreary fate for the kids, a fate their father feared would come true if they were not helped. Papa Fendrel began asking around the village for remedies to help his "sick" sons, describing the beginning signs of a Psionically-attuned person. Eventually, the father's attempts to cure his sons attracted the attention of the local church, and zealots were promptly sent down to investigate the strange twin brothers. Catching wind of a host of clerics coming to inevitably throw her sorcerer sons down a well.

At the age of 6, the Fendrel brothers' mother helped to prepare the kids to leave the village when the host of clergy-men arrived at their doorstep. The mother attempted to defend her boys from the men and was stabbed through the stomach with a pitchfork by her own husband, the boys' father. Upon witnessing this traumatizing event, the boys promptly escaped out the window of their hut and took off down the forest path, not stopping until they were sure they were about to drop of fatigue. It was just before they ran out of the will to escape that a horse-drawn cart happened upon the boys, the rider calling out to them. At-first believing this man to be one of their would-be captors, he soon revealed himself to be a friend who offered to save their lives and raise them away from witch-hunts. Not having much of an option, the boys joined the man who took the two to his tower, to where he revealed himself to be a rather powerful wizard well-versed in the knowledge of Psionic powers. The wizard told the boys he would train the two to harness their magical prowess through training and become powerful Psionic beings such as himself. Again, the boys' young age and lack of another option as well as the promise of food and safe harbor made them reluctantly agree.

Over the next decade-and-a-half, the wizard subjected the boys to various tests and training. The wizard had the opinion that Psionic prowess increased through knowledge and mental gymnastics, eventually giving the boys tests and leading the boys to compete with each-other. His reasoning behind pitting the two boys against each-other would be that if one would fail, the other would be much more powerful than their combined power. The wizard's tests gradually turned more cruel, with punishment for failing being starvation for a couple of days and the like. As the boys' Psionic apptitude grew as a result of the harsh mental training and learning they were growing through, the tests' difficulty were upped significantly. Large, heavy objects were placed on the boys' chests, with their only salvation being their mental strength to telekinetically lift the object up and off or get crushed. It was becoming apparent that Vencel was becoming more booksmart and keen with his thinking and knowledge than Slavren, who favored physical training. The wizard still deigned the two boys to practice every now and then in martial pursuits, with Vencel studying the art of archery while Slavren slashed at a dummy in his quarters with a rusted sword.

At the age of 21, their final test would be presented to the two brothers, whose Psionic potential had beautifully flowered into almost master-level knowledge of the magics' spells. The wizard's final test to the two would come in the way of a particularly cruel and perhaps the most twisted test yet. Presented with two kidnapped and bound common men, the wizard presented the two commoners as lowly magic-less scum and nothing more than swine for the two brothers to test their nearly-harnessed power on. The test: to telekinetically lift the two men up and toss them off the tower's balcony. The test itself was less of a presentation of their mental power but more to show that they followed the wizard's magical-supremacist mindset and guarantee the two to be under his thumb. The two braced themselves to toss the two off the balcony, before telepathically communicating with each-others' minds to agree on throwing the wizard off the balcony and to his death, instead. The combined power of the Fendrel brothers was almost a fair match to the man that was the closest thing to a father-figure they had known for almost their entire lives. The man wriggled and physically buckled against the mental strength lifting him off the balcony, nearly snapping his mind to counter-act the combined Psionic force put on him. The battle of wits was rather hard and costing in mental strength, but the brothers eventually tossed the wizard down screaming into the forest below, to a certain death.

Setting the two commoners free and gathering their things as well as taking some of the wizard's learning materials, the Vencel and Slavren left the tower and re-integrated into society, where the two would quickly adopt a mercenary's life-style and mindset. The two used what coin the wizard had to purchase basic gear to help them upon this path, with the duo going on to experience adventure and various sell-sword tasks for four years until happening upon the setting of the server, eager to put their two minds together to earn some coin.

What are your characters' ambitions? To gain enough wealth to live comfortably in his later years, as well as to amass knowledge of lesser-known subjects.

What are your characters' perks/skills?  Master-level skill in Psionic magic, knowing every spell laid out in the spellbook. Adept-level skill in archery. Knowledgeable in the anatomy of the Human body, as well as other book smarts. Can read.

What are your characters' faults/flaws? Not exactly strong, most of his muscularity focused around his back thanks to his training in archery. His lean and lithe frame means he can take much less punishment before dropping. More opposed to dealing with things with his fists, vastly preferring preferring the mind. Can be rather analytical with things and is known to voice exactly what he thinks, sometimes not working out for him.

Character Traits: Distrustful, not very trusting of anyone except his brother. A rather heavy gambler, feeling an attraction towards random-chance games as an intellectual puzzle to tip the scales in his favor. A bookworm, finding better company in a nice tome than people. His own view on his intelligence can lead him to be rather arrogant and imperious.

Character Age: 25

Character Race: Human

(Optional)Character Description: A 5'10" ginger-haired man with a lean and lithe build clad in boiled-leather armor, with a wooden bow on his back and a quiver of arrows on his hip.

Roleplaying Examples(Optional if Backstory used.):

Notes: This app will be in conjunction to rikk's to a degree, since both of our characters are brothers and inherited the same sort of abilities. If there are some inconsistencies its likely just because we worded things differently.


Posts : 3
Join date : 2019-10-01

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Vencel Fendrel Empty Re: Vencel Fendrel

Post by Captain Snyder Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:56 pm


Though you're going to have to be an expert in Psychic magic, instead of Master.
Captain Snyder
Captain Snyder

Posts : 130
Join date : 2015-03-09

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