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Throin Blackhammer Char Application / Skill Application (Updated)

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Throin Blackhammer Char Application / Skill Application (Updated) Empty Throin Blackhammer Char Application / Skill Application (Updated)

Post by dovkiin Sun Oct 20, 2019 3:46 pm

Username: Melvin

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:113294987

Steam Profile:

Time on server: Around 4 Days Very Active for those days

Is this a character application or transfer: Application.

If transfer, what previous roleplay has occurred(Gist of it):

What items are you requesting? I do not want items for I would like to get them in-game through RP but I would like my Stats to be boosted for that is why I am making this. I would like Blade and Parry to be 6. My Perception 4 and My Dodge 4 Interrogation 5 and an Adept Holy Book. I would like to say if I am asking for too much I do apologize. To sum it Up I  would like an edge in melee combat.

Roleplay experiences? I have around 4 Years on Gmod, I have played Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Rougetrader, And 1 Chaos RP, Mafia Rp and JvS Rp. I have DM'ed 2 Complete D&D 5e Comagins Out of the Abyss (Which is quite difficult due to the NPC's) And Storm King's thunder. I have DM'ed Black Crusade for a Group of friends before, I have also DM'ed Dark Heresy 1st and 2ed edition. I also would like to mention I played on Captins server around 2 years ago I think, I was a priest but a Crusader at the same time, I do not remember I was 16.

Why should you have all this? My Char went through the training and studying of Dualing. Through his Times of interrogating the Nameless man and his apprenticeship to the Interrogator he has Learned the Art of making a man be between his last breath and Death, Through this, he has also learned how to spot a Weak man from the Strong and their weak spots their Traits and such. I would like my Char to be able to fight in a Dual and have a good chance of winning due to his Backstory. I would like to be able to have a Chance to Roll and have a good chance of Succeeding at it. I would like to possibly work with the Earl and Fight Undead things and Partake in Event and have less of a Chance to be pk'ed. I have years of RP experience and when I do not know something I admit it and ask about it. Most importantly I would like to have fun, I have around 4 days of Experience on this server and I really like it I know its not a Full weak but I think with char I can do some good for the Server.

[Optional if RP Example used]Backstory: Thorin Blackhammer is the Twin of Dagon Blackhammer, They were both born of a Lonely hunter in the North, They are both said to be Basterds of a Whore of a Brothel in that Area. They both decided to Flee from there Abusive Father and Absent Mother to a Local Traveling Mercenary group. This group of Sellswords raised Dagon and Thorin to be Ruthless Killers only wanting the Material of this World but Thorin Grew up differently, He wanted to know how things worked, the equivalency of all. He Began to Write things down on Parchments, Scrolls. He Always carries his Quil and Scroll on him to take notes on people. He wanted to find out how the Human Survives physically and mentally, to find the concept of Fear itself. He started with a simple Rat, he began writing details about it, Its Behavior, and If it truely did Indeed like cheese. He then wanted to move forward he decided to fetch a small Bell. He would ring the bell then Throw small Rocks at a Rat till it would react to the Sound of the Bell ringing. One final Day he took the Rat into his hands, He would want to feel how the cold embrace of Dealing Death felt like. While petting the Rat he took it by the Head and was about to snap its neck ending its life. While the Rat was Squrming for release He thought about it for a Good minute and Decided to Pet the Rat Gently and release him. He would return every day to feed him a single small block of cheese until his Mercenary group Left the Area for Good. When they moved to a Caste Some Years forward in time they stopped at a Castle of a Baron. While helping unload the Cart holding the Mercenaries Items and Equipment he heard a blood curling Scream, A Cry for Help. Out of Curiosity, he slipped away from the Unloading Crew to investigate the Screaming he eventually got to a Torturing Room where the Screams of the man were so loud they rang the ears, He Approached the Man. The Man would be in a Blood covered chair most of the Blood would be Dry but as he Examined the man his Eyes would be Nonexistent they would be replaced with purple and brown lumps, bruises, This man has been beaten so Severely he can no longer see. The man would question the sound of the Footsteps questioning them "Oh by the gods! I know nothing! I swear, I just want to see my kids!" He would then begin to Emit Crying sounds. Thorin looked around the room there would be a Small table with Tools on them, he would examine them. Apon the Table would be a verity of Knives, Hammers, Thumbscrews, Gangs and Such. He would think for a second, He would then quickly soon realize the opportunity he has. Thorin would look into his Sachel on his Side he would pull out his Writing Quil, Parchment, and Bell. He had no Writing Ink he would then turn his head around and look around the room he would then look at the man and realize that blood looks quite like the consistency of ink. He would then Lay Down his Quil and Pick up a Long and Skinny Knife, He would examine the man and see where there have been the most Bruises made, Then he would stab that area not too deep but deep enough to draw blood. The man would scream in pain, Thorin would wait for a second to see if there was any footsteps and luckily there was none. He would then Dip his Quil into the man's wound then he would begin to write on his Parchment about his discovers he has made of the Human body. He then would toy with this man every day until he left. He never said a word to the man and no one knew where he was and he never mentions to anyone. He Kept his writing to study and Examine. Soon he approached a guardsman of the keep to request an Audience with the Torturer of the Keep. The Guardsman told him where to see him and such. Thorin presented himself sturdy and elegantly, He asked the man for an Apprenticeship and He Granted it through the Years Thorin became Emotionless but well versed in how pain worked and interrogation. He Did this while paying close attention to his Mentors in the Mercenary Group. He Studied Swordplay very Carefully this is why he Favours the Rapier an Eligent weapon of Penetration. He soon left the Mercenary Group with Dagon to Earn there own money and make a name for themselves.

What are your characters' ambitions? To Learn about the Concept of Fear, The meaning of Life, and the Human Body

What are your characters' perks/skills? To Look at things from a Logical View and not an Emotional view.

What are your characters' faults/flaws? Emotionless

Character Traits: Pure Chaotic Curiosity

Character Age: 31

Character Race: Vakarian (A Human but basically a Viking to put it to terms.)

(Optional)Character Description: |A Vakarian Male (Human Sub-Class, Basically a Viking) Standing Firm At 6'5ft With a White Pony Tale With a Shaved Back Head With a Full Well kept White Beard, His Hair is Stained White by the Sheer Coldness of the North.| |A Proud Blacksmith| |Worships Itas And Despiser of Jestos God of Chaos (at a level of Hate) Has above-average biceps, Scared Left Eye and Bloodbursted Right Eye, Equipped with a Steel Rapier, Speak's with a Crackly Voice as if he has not spoken in Months| |Wears Mail with Little plate covering his Inner thighs with Several Latin Sayings written all over the Chestpeice and Gauntlents| |Wears a depressive Face That Stares into the Void, Always.| |Traveling the Road has Taught him Multiple Launguages| |Use's a Torch that Is soaked in Oil that is Blessed by him (He Prays to Itas and he believes that it is Blessed),| |Loot: Sword of Lust +25 to Charisma (GM Rocket)| {HARD WIP}

Roleplaying Examples(Optional if Backstory used.):

Notes: Thank you for reading. Have a nice day. And here is a Picture of Thorin
Throin Blackhammer Char Application / Skill Application (Updated) BF0DB367E558912BF941BE0665F1FADB7C26EF33

Last edited by dovkiin on Tue Oct 22, 2019 6:55 pm; edited 14 times in total (Reason for editing : Corrections, Additions and Removing of unneeded stuff.)

Posts : 3
Join date : 2019-10-17

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Throin Blackhammer Char Application / Skill Application (Updated) Empty Re: Throin Blackhammer Char Application / Skill Application (Updated)

Post by Captain Snyder Thu Oct 24, 2019 4:30 pm

Captain Snyder
Captain Snyder

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Join date : 2015-03-09

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