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Khayon Cross -Character Application

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Khayon Cross -Character Application Empty Khayon Cross -Character Application

Post by TopTrouble Fri Oct 25, 2019 3:00 pm



Steam ID:


Steam Profile:


Time on server:

-60-70 hours

Is this a character application, or transfer:


What items are you requesting?

-Expert Book:Abjuration and 8 into it.

-Adept Book:Arcane and 7 into it.

-Adept Book:Fir elemental and 7 into it.

- 6/10 into endurance.

-Staff(wacking uses tbh)

-Steel dagger.

-5/10 into block.

-7/10 into intelligence.

Roleplay experiences?
Just to name a few servers that i can think of. On HFG i was the first crusader and later crusader lord of the house and also primaris lord of the psykers. On garnet gaming i was the grand admiral on there starwars server. Lord Commissar for ING later Lord inquisitor of the ordo mallues and champion of the fleet. The last server i played on, i was the warboss/kaptain of the ork freebootaz on ICN.

I have alsobeen roleplaying for about 5 years now and on gmod have racked up 23,136 hours of gameplay. Im in the top 1% of players with that time and i want to die for it.

Why should you have all this?

Cross has trained his whole life to support front line warriors in there time of need. He was made to not only assist were needed but be somewhat of a counter to other mages when the knights couldnt do much. This combined with training everyday has formed him to be a powerful mage and there for his team. Well that and due to the lack of support character's i think this could help other players out a lot.

[Optional if RP Example used]Backstory:

Khayon Cross was first selected for royal service after being screened for psychic potential by the court wizard of house Iskandar. His potency was such that he easily excelled in all his training, outshining his classmates, most of whom were destined for service as mages of the house Guard. As he grew to adolescence, he was handed over to the Knights of the four as one of there many warlocks design to defend the knights from enemy mage attacks. His physical body grew to massive proportions until he towered over most men, with a heavily muscled frame and above human physical condition. Cross went on to become part of the Librarius.
After he past all of his trials becoming a Librarian of his new knight order. He won many battles from the front line. His Captain started to favor him more and more, as he saw the great power the Librarian held yet still seeing him as a sinner for being a mage. Making precise strikes into the enemies line, breaking in and kill all who stand before his squad.
Khayon Cross would soon be promoted to Magos in his company. During the order's 3rd Crusade, he personally lead many attacks on the forces of evil and there many daemon hordes. Through out the crusade Cross would hear whispers of lies and false hoods, he didn't know it yet, but him and his men were being slowly turned by the powers of chaos by a sorcerer lord. . The sorcerer was attempting to sway the warriors of his order to turn to chaos. Around half way through the crusade, Cross and three squads of knights were sent to hold the onslaugher of daemons.
The battle was long fought, but it would soon show to be in the favor of the knights, as body's  of the daemonic entity's would be riddled with cuts, stabs and pure warp blasts, Makings shockwaves that tear and rip apart the foe and making them fly out in bits and pieces of their former self's. Soon the evil would retreat, giving Cross and his men some time to perpare for there next attack. Cross would head into a small command room for field operations.
He would sit upon a psykic throne, to help him focus his powers for what he most do next. When he sits down on his throne he would get even more visons of the power's of chaos. He would see a vison of a chaos sorcerer that would promise several things. He would care little for his promises, and continued to plan the defense. The next day, the hordes attacked again lead by the sorcerer lord from Crosse's vison's this time.
Cross would see the lord knowing what he must do. But before the attack of the horde could even begin, some knights started attacking fellows allies. It was clear that the sorcerer whispered to more then just him. The knights would be shocked from the betrayal of there once loyal friends. Cross would share the same feeling before understanding what he must do, firing blast like dragons spiting fire at those he once called brothers.
The Chaos sorcerer would jump to assist the traitors. Cross would engage in a duel of sorts with the sorcerer, Cross nearly dead and of the back foot would call for his brothers in arms. They quickly came a few died helping but in the end the sorcerer was slain.
Nearly all of the knights died, leaving only two alive from the battle. After helping the two with there wounds they make there retreat from the area. Cross would be blamed for the deaths of the knights and kicked from the order. He now makes his march to a new land where he wish's to seek for a new reason to live and have hope in.

What are your characters' ambitions?

To live as long as he can and become powerful as he goes, he doesn't care much on how he gets too it.

What are your characters' perks/skills?

-Expert healing mage.

-Adept Defensive mage.

-Smart man far more then his age would give.

-Adept fire mage.

-Seems to be able to live more then most.

What are your characters' faults/flaws?

-Lack of skill with physical weapons.(Made as a counter if he ever betrayed the order)

-Unofficial sociopath

-Can be mistaken as evil

-Over confident

Character Traits:



-Cold and calculative


Character Age:
25 years old

Character Race:


(Optional)Character Description:

A creepy looking man, that seems to stand taller then 6 feet. Adorned in a full suit of steel plates that line up on to each other. The man hides his face for unknown reasons and a strange aura comes from him. His armor plating is lined with scripter and even skulls. He holds onto him a staff and books around his body.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-10-21

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Khayon Cross -Character Application Empty Re: Khayon Cross -Character Application

Post by Captain Snyder Tue Oct 29, 2019 2:29 pm

Captain Snyder
Captain Snyder

Posts : 130
Join date : 2015-03-09

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