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'Isada' Character Application

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'Isada' Character Application Empty 'Isada' Character Application

Post by Coolest Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:37 am

Username: Klay2

Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:16124665

Steam Profile:

Time on server: Joined: Three days ago. Time spent on the server: Fifteen-ish hours.

Is this a character application, or transfer: Application.

What items are you requesting?
- Master spell book for druidism magic.
- Expert spell book for Elemental Air magic.

Role-play experiences? I have about 8.125 Thousand hours on Garry's mod, mainly spent on role-play server besides about 1/4 of it. Besides that I've also participated in many DnD sessions and know my way around rp quite well.

Why should you have all this? I'm confident in my ability to rp, and not to abuse what's given to me. If I was given these I would go out of my way to improve anyone's role play experience rather than ruin it. As to why the character needs it, she's a master in the art of druidism and an expert at the art of Elemental Wind magic, so it completely makes sense to have these.

[Optional if RP Example used]Backstory: 'Isada' was born into one of the first civilizations that take took power of the world. Her family was a powerful, yet poor family who often opted to spending time in nature instead of the city, embracing the Veteri culture while still understanding nature, and its beauty. Because of this she was often exposed to the use of druid magic which had sparked her many, may year interest in magic. Even from a young age her gift of magic was apparent, even her mana was potent. Her parents took immediate action because of this, introducing 'Isada' to magic immediately after her mother was able to move after birth.

The first spell 'Isada' learned was Growth, the spell that allows the user to grow a plant rapidly upon success. This was around the time she was able to speak, of course she wasn't developing fast when she couldn't even speak. Now that her parents knew she was able to learn magic, they began to work even harder. Their child was their chance to change the world and produce an idol for their civilization and they wouldn't allow this chance to slip away. Their focus on druid magic would soon sprout out to forms of Elemental magic as well.

By no means was her whole child hood learning, and perfecting her craft. Her parents were caring people who didn't force their child to do something they didn't want to do. 'Isada' showed a large interest in nature and honestly enjoyed magic and relaxing in nature. Often times she'd assist her parents with chores around the city, making a name for herself quickly. At the age of six most of the below average waged citizens knew her name, greeting her as she walked down the street towards the exit to the forest every day.

As she grew up her parents began to save money, they were interested in getting 'Isada' into the most prestigious school they could. As they continued to train 'Isada' she became more, and more promising by the day until the day finally came for her to attend a school. Her parents had saved a large sum of money and paid for her to attend one of the most prestigious schools in the whole civilization 'Isada' would grateful for this, constantly thanking them for their sacrifice, she knew the worth of what her parents did. Because of this 'Isada' worked even harder to make her parents proud, even if they would be proud of her either way.

Her first day of school she wasn't very popular, though she wasn't very concerned with this. She was happy with just learning, most of the people around her were of the wealthy variety and none of them knew of her financial situation. She didn't really think the other kids would care, so she kept it to herself. Constantly being the valedictorian of her class. Because of this 'Isada' constantly pushed herself even harder. As magic was a large part of her culture she felt it was necessary to succeed in her education.

As the civilization developed, so did magic. She was constantly able to learn more from the lessons at her school and she was glad. Her life outside of school still consisted of assisting her parents and relaxing in the forest, she still thanked her parents on a near daily basis because of their generosity. As she grew older her focus on study drifted away to attempting to impress those around her, rather than grow in strength. Her parents supporter her but never wanted their child to end up like this, only wanting recognition from others. As this phase of her life continued her strength would stick with her, but be at a stunt in growth.

Though she was seeking recognition from others she never forgot what her parents would do for her, constantly assisting them with anything they needed. Eventually her class mates would realize the gap in wealth through small things such as clothing, personality, and someone eventually seeing her at a market near her home. Because of this most of the students in her class ignored her, wealth was considered power as well as actual strength and she was now lacking in both. Because of this she began her studies once more.

The few months she now spent away from her studies were wasted and she had to make up for them so she began to work even harder. Her parents were glad she'd returned to her studies but could clearly see her struggling to grasp these new concepts. They soon began helping her yet again with her studies, just like when she was a child. She began to learn at extraordinary speeds, eventually surpassing even her parents knowledge. They were glad to see her growth but knew she'd soon have to find another school to further her knowledge even more.

With the level of strength that 'Isada' had it was no issue to find a new school to attend. She had offers being thrown at her left and right, she'd ask as many questions about the schools as she could until she finally found one. Yet again, she attended the most prestigious one with many of the civilizations greatest minds coming from it. She planned to learn everything regarding magic that she could here, and was prepared to work for it. As days went by she finally was prepared, to attend this school you had to live on its grounds, which meant she had to leave her parents.

It was a sad day, but her parents understood the need to do so, and fully supported her. The journey would be long but she was prepared to work for every last bit of knowledge she gained, using her parents methods along the way. As the hugged goodbye she left for school, receiving a ride for free from a local in her area that knew her very well. Once she reached the school she was amazed. The arcane arts were present everywhere in this school, barriers, magical artifacts everywhere. She was glad to call this place home.

As she entered the school she was showed around by one of the professors the school amazed her even more every-time she saw something new. This was the most amazing place she'd ever been in and couldn't help but stare amazed at everything she saw. The walls were covered with inscriptions in various languages likely being spells from different schools of magic. She'd soon know everything about this school. Until then she'd retire to her room, she had a lesson later that very day and wanted to rest.

She was awoken by bells that she was told were sounded at the beginning of every lesson, as she headed down the hall towards a room for druidism lessons 'Isada' ran into the same professor from earlier, he wished her luck as she entered the classroom which had a small select class of ten, all of which seemed like brilliant minds. Upon closer inspection they were all decently older than herself, as she sat down she'd look around at everyone. They all seemed as enthusiastic as herself to begin this lesson. However, 'Isada' seemed slightly sad as the forest she grew so dear to was far away from her. Out of visiting distance now.

As the lesson began she'd begin to doze off about the nature and begin to learn about whatever was being taught, her whole inspiration was to gain the strength she needed to protect nature. The next few years would be filled with continuous study constantly participating in experiment conducted by the school. She'd never break off from the path that was paved by both nature and her parents. She'd contact her parents every once and a while through letters and the postal service but she'd never truely get to speak with them.

'Isada' would eventually decide to begin learning a bit about physic magic, participating in a set of experiments regarding glimpsing into the future. Everything was going smoothly until things took a turn for the worse. As everyone began to panic 'Isada' attempted to fix it, nearly succeeding until everything went black. She woke up in the middle of a forest, her first though was,"This is beautiful" She couldn't help but love being back after all this time. However, where was she? She had to fine out. As she began to walk around, everything appeared different, darker.

She looked everywhere until she found a city, as she asked around for her city all she'd get back is odd stares or the occasional "Huh?". Until she eventually reached a wizardry college, it looked awful compared to what she'd grown up with. Soon she found the arche-mage who she'd ask the same question, his answer changed 'Isada''s whole life. As he said it, "What? That civilization has been gone for centuries!" as she explained her situation he seemed to believe her, after all nothing was impossible when magic was around, so why not believe her?

The mage eventually welcomed her into the college and realized her strength, it was even greater than his own. All they could offer was knowledge she didn't have, but 'Isada' was glad to accept anything, they were all so generous. She soon decided to leave the college in order to return to the nature she once loved, her love returning nearly instantly. She pledged to return it to its former glory. She remains here to this day, giving knowledge to those who seek it and offering care to those who need it even if they don't ask.

What are your characters' ambitions? 'Isada' wishes to pass on her knowledge to those who seek it, all while protecting the forest. Though she may begin looking for another purpose that may broaden her range of teaching. However, this is unlikely as she cares too much for the forest, as it reminds her of her past and her parents she lost long ago.

What are your characters' perks/skills?

  • Master in the following field(s) of magic: Druidism.

  • Expert in following field(s) of magic: Elemental Air.

What are your characters' faults/flaws?

    • (Over-Confident) She can often be over-confident in her abilities as a wizard, taking on impossible challenges which can lead to possible injury or embarrassment in-front of her peers.

    • (Recluse) Often times chooses to be alone in her forest instead of seeking attention. If approached while she doesn't want to she will often ignore those who speak to her unless they seek knowledge of some sort.

    • (Knowledge-Seeker) Her need of knowledge can often put others at risk, even if she doesn't mean for it.

    • (Some-What Crazy) She often times finds herself laughing at random things, no matter how humorous they were. This doesn't make her a danger to others but just a personality trait.

    Character Traits:

      • (Educated) Her years of university have treated her well, her knowledge is extensive and she isn't afraid to share it.

      • (Disciplined) She's disciplined with her arts and her personality, except every once and a while I suppose.

      • (Caring) As were her parents, she often chooses to care for people above all else

      Character Age: 52 Years old.

      Character Race: Veteri.

      (Optional)Character Description: 'Isada' Is a short, pale Veteri woman. Often covered by a cloak which lies over worn armor her face is constantly hidden and she rarely shows it to anyone who she meets. She's a frail woman due to her lack of exercise but her strength in magic makes up for that. Her personality may vary due to her age she's grown slightly crazy, often times laughing at completely random things. She carries herself well despite her weak psych and isn't afraid of many things, her age has had her face far worse things than what she finds in these ages. Though her strength, she still chooses to solve most issues with a discussion unless they insist on a fight.Note: Though this is alot, I've worked on this for about six hours. I hope you consider it, and realize I'm not interested in using this to harm other players but rather to role-play with other players and offer a positive experience and promote more teaching rp. If possible please consider this and feel free to ask me any questions. I'm always up for answering them.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2019-10-20

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'Isada' Character Application Empty Re: 'Isada' Character Application

Post by dovkiin Mon Oct 21, 2019 4:57 pm

+1 They Seem to know there Shit.

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Join date : 2019-10-17

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'Isada' Character Application Empty Re: 'Isada' Character Application

Post by SneakyShellfish Mon Oct 21, 2019 6:03 pm

I think you put some good work into this and the backstory looks solid. Only think is you cant get a master skill in a app they can only be expert so might want to swap expert for master, then train them ic. +1 good work and effort.


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'Isada' Character Application Empty Re: 'Isada' Character Application

Post by Captain Snyder Mon Oct 21, 2019 11:31 pm

Captain Snyder
Captain Snyder

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'Isada' Character Application Empty Re: 'Isada' Character Application

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